A police officer pulling you over in your vehicle is intimidating. Think of the armed officer, flashing lights, flashlight, badge, and being on the side of the road. What you say and do can place you on a journey through the criminal justice system with long-term...
You Deserve The Best Defense
Traffic Violations
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What should I know about speeding and speed traps in Washington?
Reckless driving and its consequences can be serious in Washington State and throughout the United States. It can lead to accidents with injuries and fatalities. With that, it is no surprise that law enforcement is vigilant about trying to catch people who violate the...
What are my options if I am labeled a habitual traffic offender?
Drivers in Washington are expected to adhere to the laws and rules of the road. When they do not, law enforcement might initiate a traffic stop or investigation and cite them. People who are repeatedly accused of traffic violations could find themselves categorized as...